Website ownership
This website is the property of the company VICTORIA VERITAS - SERVICII DE INVESTIGAŢII S.R.L., with its legal headquarters in 5 Libertății Street, Slatina, Olt County - Romania, hereinafter referred to as Victoria Veritas.
Copyright and trademark law
This website is protected by copyright as a single and / or composite and / or collective work based on Roman and European Union copyright law, international conventions and other copyright law. Any unauthorized use of the materials contained in the website is strictly prohibited. The website may contain documents, images, software, information and other proprietary materials, such as photos, advertising, videos and music. Any unauthorized use of the materials contained on the website is strictly prohibited, unless prior written consent has been obtained from the owner of the materials in question.
Use and access to the website
The contents and materials of the website are intended for personal and non-commercial use only. The user will be able to download or copy the contents and other downloadable materials, viewed on this website through his personal non-commercial use, provided that it is acknowledged that the copyrighted materials present in them are protected and provided that the user undertakes to respect all copyrights and other rights contained in this website.
Copying or recording any information for uses other than personal and non-commercial use is strictly prohibited, unless prior written consent has been obtained from Victoria Veritas.
Victoria Veritas may modify, cancel or suspend all or any feature of the website, functions and database of the website. Victoria Veritas will also be able to correct any errors and omissions in any part of the website or to impose limits on certain functions and services or to limit the access of users partially or totally to the website without being obliged to notify and without this entails no liability.
Denial of warranty and limitation of liability
The user acknowledges that he uses the website at his own risk.
The Service is provided as is and Victoria Veritas explicitly disclaims all warranties, express and implied, including, by way of example, warranties of accuracy, security, ownership, non-infringement, fitness for specific purposes or any other warranty condition, insurance or a statement, oral, written or electronic, including, by way of example only, any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on or provided by the website itself. Victoria Veritas does not represent or warrant that access to the Site will not be interrupted, that the Site will not contain defects, errors, omissions or loss of information transmitted or that no virus will be transmitted from the Site.
Victoria Veritas will not be liable to users of the site or any third party for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or repressive damages allegedly caused as a result of access to and inability to access the website, including in the event of potential viruses. from the website, the use or security given to the website or any information or material available on the site.
Applicable laws and jurisdiction
The user acknowledges and agrees for all purposes that any disputes, which may arise from access to and / or use of the website, are subject to Roman law and will therefore have to be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of a Romanian Court.
The mentioned rules may be modified by Victoria Veritas from time to time; notifications of any revisions to these rules will be announced on this page.
The continued use of the website by the user will imply the user's acceptance of these changes or revisions of the rules; for this reason Victoria Veritas recommends that the user visit this page regularly.